Across America!

Turning the lack of work and cheapest avgas in the history of mankind into an opportunity to document this unique chapter of America’s history. A pair of adventurous aviators takes to the skies, to realize a long-term dream. Camping under the wing whenever possible (flamping = flying + camping), and figuring out the challenges as they come.

Sarah Tamar is a fanatic aviatrix and floatplane queen. Currently working as a pilot at Tailwind Air flying Cessna Caravans on floats around the northeast. (That’s as bad-ass as flying a military jet, at least I think so). Best partner to share such adventure with, not only a second pair of flying hands but a True Friend who’s always eager to take part in any flying adventure imaginable.

Filip Wolak is a NYC based award winning photographer, pilot and flight instructor. You can find more info on the About section of this page.

About Us

Sarah Tamar

Sarah is a commercial pilot with Tailwind Air, flying amphibian Caravans in the Northeast. Obsessed with floatplanes since her early age, she is now living her dream, and she’s not stopping there! Sarah is also an excellent writer, as you will shortly discover.

Filip Wolak

Filip is a NYC-based professional photographer, pilot and flight instructor. His aerial photography work won some prestigious awards in the past, and it has been exhibited in the US, and his native country of Poland.

Nearby service center took care of the old gaskets


Rusty is a 1973 Cessna 172, model M. Also known as November-12236, she is proudly wearing her original 47-year old paint, and beating her just-overhauled 160HP Lycoming heart. As this trip has just proven, she fully deserves the new name: “Trusty!”